Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Recycled Button Magnets

 Need a quick Birthday gift ? Follow along ... 

 Buttons ( no shank the best) 
 Self-adhesive plastic gems (optional)

Separate your buttons out. You will be stacking your buttons by size and types. The biggest flat button will be glued to the magnet and will be the base. Next sizes button glued on and so on. The top is great for gems or specialty buttons.

You can use regular sewing buttons to make this. If your buttons have shank remove with pliers or tool. 

Buttons can be found in assorted sizes in bags without shanks in craft sections. #dollarstorecraft ....Lisa 

Spring Bbq event

Every Spring the volunteer fire department puts on a BBq to raise money for supplies.  Here's a fun page I made from pictures I took at ...