Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday 4


Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try and challenge you to think , discover and make new friends through blogging.

1.  Did any book besides the bible have an impact on your life or beliefs?

Not Really. 

2.  What books influenced you as a young person.?

I read my Mom Nancy Drew books that i still have. 

3.  Do you continue educating yourself by reading books or listening to podcasts or lectures?

I have attend a few classes/ lecture about craft making, Cooking, and natural health. I love reading others blogs and You tube videos. 

4.  Have you ever sat in a coffee shop/restaurant/cafe  reading a book?  What is your preferred place to read?

No coffe shop here but I use the Library.. Magazines, Newspaper and of course books. 


  1. classes on natural health would be really great and I love YouTube videos there are so many good ones to choose from.

    1. One of the neighboring town has a state Park and museum that does monthly classes on local cultures. I try too attend them.

  2. Main problem with the subjecty of natural health is that there are so much unfunded claims, because such a lot is commercialised.
    The past years I enjoyed following the cooking classes of the nefrology department of one of the hospitals here. Given by the students of the university and the dietician.

    Have a nice week!

    1. That's so true. These are part of the local museum program.


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