Monday, October 23, 2023

At Home this Monday

Welcome to my Home this Monday! We had a busy week with celebrating Breast cancer awareness month and our annual Fall Festival.  Today I am sharing with Dairy of Stay at Home Mom 

Outside my Window 
From my back porch.  

Weather : 

Warming with temperatures in 80 and nights in the 60 with chance of rain.

Breakfast plate 
Coffee and muffins 
Lunch plate : 
Grilled chicken sandwich 

This week's menu
Crockpot pulled pork
Filled Nacho 
Spaghetti Meatballs 
Meatballs subs
Bbq pork steak and rice

This week's chores
Monday cleaning list
Grocery shopping pick up and Candy 
Help with trick a Trunk
Email and blog updates 

My Blog updates: from last 

Community events : 

Fall Festival parade, games and food. 

At library : check out Now

Crisp autumn breezes, sizzling bratwurst, warm gingerbread cookies... and just a dash of murder.

It's Oktoberfest in Buttercup, Texas, and homesteader Lucy Resnick is taking a break from her chores to enjoy a day of bratwurst, craft beer, and German gingerbread at Sweetwater Brewery. But the day takes a bitter turn when one of the brewery owners turns up dead, crushed by a giant sack of barley.

It doesn't take long for Sheriff Rooster (not the sharpest tool in the garden shed) to finger the victim's brother and co-owner, Simon Gustafson. But former investigative reporter Lucy senses that the blighted plants in her pumpkin patch aren't the only things rotten in Buttercup. Will she find the killer in time?

Or will she be next in line for canning

For November: 

Now collecting pantry staples for Thanksgiving gift baskets .Please drop off your items in the collection boxes in town and library.  

At church.   Galatians 6:9

Thanks everyone supporting our Crafting for a cause.  We raised $500 dollars.
The Race 
Rose garden at library 
Bra ha ha : Library winner

November 12th Mom Time Out ! 


  1. Your menu sounds so good. Love the new blog look you have. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Ohhh your decorations are gorgeous! I keep telling myself to pick up some Mums and again- keep forgetting. It'll be Christmas before I remember! We are supposed to have some frost this evening as well so maybe its okay I haven't gotten them yet lol. Your menu sounds delicious! Have a wonderful week, so nice to catch up today!

    1. I buy them to decorate and then plant them in my yard. Come back and visit anytime.

  3. Love the backporch vignette! Reading your blog was so cozy with all the Fall references in there. Have a great week


March flower

   March is here :  Irish American Heritage Month Music in Our Schools Month National Celery Month National Craft Month National Frozen Food...