Tuesday, November 21, 2023

T-hanksgiving-Tuesday 4



 Hello friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  

Thanksgiving Day is about here. Let's talk about the holiday and thankfulness.

1. Whether you are from the USA or not, thankfulness is beneficial to a nation and people.  Is it a natural thing for you to think of being thankful or is it something you must be reminded about?

I am always Thankful everyday that I wae up. 

2.  Plimoth Plantation is the site of the original settlement and everything is authentic to the 1600's including how they speak. Have you been to Plymouth Rock?   How about the Plimoth Plantation (yes that is the proper spelling). Would you like to go visit these places?     What places are you thankful for having seen?    

All these places. Big Ben, Effial tower  , 

3. Do you tune into the Macy's Parade ? yes, and always wanted to be there.

4. What will you be eating on Thanksgiving Day this year? Pork roast, dressing . My dressing recipe is on my blog. 


  1. I'd love to see Big Ben and the Eiffel tower. I'll have to look up your dressing recipe.

  2. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner! Sounds wonderful! Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  3. Nice to know you have been around in Europe.
    Enjoy your week!


DUY Napkin Snowman

   Napkin Snowman I bought this napkin at the dollar tree as well as the board.  First separate the napkin layers and center the print on wo...