Sunday, June 30, 2024

At Home with Lisa

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/01/2024

It's Hot here! Heat warnings out for the beginning of the week. 

  • 96crain
  • 97
  • 93 rain
  • 93 rain
  • 94
  • 93
  • 04

Out my window 
Larkspur july flowers of the month. Took this at my Aunt.

My week chore list : 
Monday chores 
Vacuum carpet 
Clean pantry
Water plants
Email blog updates 

July planner: 

Breakfast and lunch this Monday: 
Breakfast coffee and bisciuts. Left over pulled porkbfor lunch.
Menu for the week 
White beans and ham 
Chicken taco
Swiss steak and potatoes 
Pork steak grill 
Shrimp kabobs 
Today recipe 

July crafts 
In our community 
4th of July flag salute at Melville library! 2pm. 
Krotz springs fireworks on the river 

 In our prayers at this time we pray for Peace and our local, state and nation leaders.  


  1. Beautiful flowers. Like the crafts. Happy 4th to you my friend

  2. What a beautiful photo report of your week!
    Greetings from me


4th july cards

It's 4th july in USA ! And I am  making fun cards to celebrate the holiday! Hope you will be inspired to join the fun...  ...