Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday 5 Favorites


Thanks for joining me this Friday as I celebrate my sons birthday ! 

  1. My sons 24 birthday is today !   Hes grown from a premia baby to an adult.
  2. My sons a college senior in education. Plan to teach English lit.
  3. My son favorite birthday cake is my Pound cake.
  4. Its a beautiful day today for an outside party at the grill. Even the temerture dropped some . 
  5. a party filled with great food and friends to celebrate. 


  1. Have a good time celebrating!

  2. Happy birthday to your son. Your cake looks delicious

  3. Happy birthday to your son! My grandson was a preemie, too (10 1/2 weeks early) and is now a very healthy ten-year-old.

  4. I wish your son a belated many happy returns of the day!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday to your son!


Friday Book time

  Friday book time :  I ❤️ love Books and our small library so enjoy my Friday bookish time I am linking to Friday Book Blogger  Hop,  Book ...