Friday, March 21, 2025

Fave Five : Spring


Friday's Fave Five #830

Its been another busy week around here and ready for the weekend fun. 

  • Library Quilt Club - Birthday celebration and quilt show. We celebrated with cake and a quick show and tell of projects.
  • Tea time with my neighbor. A wonderful time to enjoy tea and snacks.
  • Spring is finally here and flowers are blooming. 
  • The weather is beautiful and I am getting out in the yard. 
  • Friday Lent and Fun raiser at the Catholic church 

Today would have been Dad birthday ! And his flowers he planted are blooming to say hello ! 


  1. Happy Spring! You mentioned tea with a neighbor..i'm just sitting down to an afternoon cup of tea and do some reading.

  2. I love that the flowers your Dad planted are blooming on his birthday! Our library has a quilt show once a year with the local quilting club. Such beautiful work they do.


Garden cards and notebook

In my part of the world its Spring time and my garden is in full bloom.  And I am in the middle of planning my Summer garden. I do a...