Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday 4 : Music


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Music, Music, Music

 How are you doing?  It's great to have you back here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4.  

 Music is something most people truly enjoy but some find it annoying at times.   Some listen at home, some in cars, and music is played in restaurants, shops, you name it, music provides a background for many activities.

1.What kind of music appeals to you?  What kind  can you do without?  
I listen too 60,70 and 80 music. Old rock and Blues and Jazz. 

2.Do you consider music an  important part of life?    Why or why not?

No not really. Even though My Mom and sister plays Piano. I was never really interested in music. 

3 What's on the radio as you drive or what is on at home and do you find music in restaurants and shops soothing or off putting?   

In the car maybe classical music but sometimes old rock or Southern Rock classic. 

4. Would you tell us some of your favorite songs and singers please?

Carly Simon ( Your So Vain), , Neil Diamond ( Sweet Caroline)   Simon Garfunkel , Bridge over Trouble water 


  1. I like all of your song choices. I love music.

  2. Those are some great songs you listed! I love them. I enjoy almost all types of music. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥



Diy Artic Animals

This Saturday iam watching a movie and coloring Artic animals.