Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tuesday 4 Summer


It is Summer!

1. What memorable times have you had in summer?

Baseball games both college and my sons. July 4th fireworks on the River with food and fun. 

2. What foods bring back that summertime feeling?

Watermelon, BBQ food of any kinds. 

3. What music do you associate with summertime?

Beach boys of course 

4.Where do you want most to be in the summer if money is no object and you have the time?

I want to take a trip to China. My hubby still has family there. 


  1. I think everyone loves BBQ foods and especially watermelon. I forgot about 4th July!! Thats a time I really love.

  2. Great answers. I enjoy those foods and music too.


Wordless Wednesday

 Wordless Wednesday    Its Wordless Wednesday  https://wordlesswednesday.blogspot.com/ After Mardi Gras : UL campus