Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday : At Home

 Happy Monday and Welcome to my Home :sharing with

Thanks for stopping bye! Grab a cup of coffee or tea on this rainy day in Louisiana.  We are getting ready for The Big Party here( Fat Tuesday ) . So iam enjoying the calm before the storm. Lisa

Weather here in Louisiana

Today :  Rain
63/33 Rain 

Outside : winter pansy

 am inside after my morning walk:

I am still in my fleece robe and PJ . Blue and the squirells where okay with that.
I am drinking Morning coffee and nibbling on toast.

Morning chores:

  • supper own
  • laundry started
  • and working on blog and emails. 
  • planning meals for the week

Meals :

  • Chicken and sausage Gumbo
  • Pulled pork in slow cooker
  • Taco or Nachos
  • homemade pizza
  • baked chickens with vegs and rice 

Weeks plan: 

At the Library : Book Challenge : reading books from 50 states. 

from my library: 
For 10 years Arlene has kept her promises, and God has kept His end of the bargain. Until now.
When an old schoolmate from Possett turns up at Arlene's door in Chicago asking questions about Jim Beverly, former quarterback and god of Possett High, Arlene's break with her former hometown is forced to an end. At the same time, Burr, her long-time boyfriend, has raised an ultimatum: introduce him to her family or consider him gone. Arlene loves him dearly but knows her lily white (not to mention deeply racist)Southern Baptist family will not understand her relationship with an African American boyfriend. Reluctantly, Arlene bows to the pressure, and she and Burr embark on the long-avoided road trip back home.
As Arlene digs through guilt and deception, her patched-together alibi begins to unravel, and she discovers how far she will go for love and a chance at redemption.

Crafts :  January fun -  Sock Snowman 

This week my blog will be adding some  Mardi Gras , Chinese New Year and Valentine. February is coming and the holidays are knocking on the door. 

Faith Bible Journaling : 

This year I am bible journaling through the bible as I re read the bible using the app The Bible Recap. 

Exodus – Exodus 15:2

The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.


  1. Thank you for your lovely blog, Lisa. I've enjoyed it, virtually traveling through all the countries that lie between us to your area. 🌍 What a funny snowman! I'm curious about what you used to fill the sock puppet - herbs or a piece of pantyhose? Thanks for all the beautiful texts (Exodus) and the last picture. 🙌

    1. Thanks the Snowman was filled with rocks on the bottom so he can set up. And stuffing poly fil or or sock scrap.

  2. My daughter made a sock snowman when she was little and it makes its an appearance every year at Christmas. It is now safety put away with the decorations until next year. I hope you have a great week!


    1. Thanks. The only kind of Snowman we will get this year in Louisiana.

  3. Beautiful pansies! Your menu sounds so good this week. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Cute snowman. Love all the crafts and how you plan for upcoming fêtes. Have a great week


DIY Clothespin Wreath : July 4th

  Happy July 1st! And the 4th is Thursday in USA.   I will be celebrating with special Patrotic crafts until Thursday.  😉  Supply List: Gat...