Monday, January 22, 2024

At Home this Monday


Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/22/2024

Welcome to my Home this Monday morning ... its cloudy and expecting Rain but the temperatures is warmer. Last week we had an Artic blitz in Louisiana which stopped everything here.

Weather : 

73/65 Rain
70/59 Rain
73/57 Rain

From my camera : 

I wonder what Callie is thinking of? Inquiring minds want to know> 

My Day :

Iam sitting here in sweats writing this post. And glad the deep freeze is over. My old house is not built for frizzing weather with wood floors and house above ground but we made it. Lots of Hot coffee and biscuits for breakfast. Dinner in crockpot. Sandwich for Lunch. 

  • red beans and rice
  • baked chicken and vegs
  • chicken taco 
  • jambalayas
  • Soup ? 

Chore list:

  • wash already done
  • food in crockpot
  • making grocery list for pick up
  • blog updates
What I am working on:  slow stitching project .. free form stitching combing all types of handwork. 

Whets going on in town :
Second Harvest delivery 
 Gumbo cook off 

AT Library : 
Stay warm : Hot Coca, snacks  and movie at library . Open for warmth spot/shelter.  

My friend Lynn is coming too the Library to visit and discuss her writing >> Shes an ex Liberian and amazon author from New Iberia, 

As 1925 ends, spirited flapper Rosamond St. Rochelle encounters two men. Burke Boylan is rich and well-connected in New Orleans. Pierre Landry, a Cajun doctor, plans to return to the bayou backwaters to practice. Both would like to have Rosamond, the newly proclaimed Queen of the Mardi Gras Ball, at their side. But, Roz longs for a career of her own as one of the New Women of the Roaring Twenties. A fateful encounter on Mardi Gras day changes Roz's path in life. She must overcome personal tragedy and the forces of nature during the Great Flood of 1927 to discover the right man and the place where she truly belongs.

  • Coming in February 
  • In town : Mardi gras parade 
  • At library : Mardi gras box parade /fun
  • Women Club: Valentine party 
My Bible Journaling : 4th book of the bible Numbers . Come join me as I jornal the bible this year. Check out Sunday post. 


  1. Glad you've warmed up. That cold air was insane, didn't realize it went so far south. Cute little cat. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. There are so many people with kitties name Callie! It always makes me giggle, my daughter is Callista but Callie has been her nickname since she was a baby. I love your Bible journaling photos! I've heard that can really change your Bible study to get into journaling! Stay warm! I hope you have a great week!

  3. Callie short for Calico cat. We also had a Frank , Charlie and now Blue.

  4. Oh what a gorgeous kitty!!! Love the Bible journaling!! Have a great week!

  5. Hello Beautiful! So glad you're warming up - it's finally getting a bit warmer up here in the northwoods too. Thank goodness. :) I love seeing your beautiful creativity. Those free from stitching squares are so pretty. And you have the most beautiful bible of anyone I know!! 😍 Blessings on the rest of your week. Stay cozy. xo

  6. Cat seems so comfortable! Love the slow stitching project - it is beautiful. Have a great week


Granny’s Crab meat Au Gratin

  1 lb white crab meat 1/2 lb cheddar cheese /grated 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 C flour 1/4 lb butter 2 Egg yolks 1 rib celery chopped/fine 1...