Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tuesday 4 : Books



 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  We ask 4 questions each week to get you talking, thinking, questioning and seeing how your friends feel about things too.   It helps us get to know other bloggers.

Let's think about books and reading this week.

1.Do you have a favorite place to read? Maybe you can post a photo of it or describe it for us?

My comfee   chair in living room. Its broken in and has a light for night reading. 

2.Some say reading makes a person more educated, more informed.  Do you think novels do this in any way? Do you learn things from novels?  Would you tell us what you have learned?

I think it open our mind up to new idea and possibilities. I like learning about new places i might never get too. 

3. Are there any books on your list to read right now?

My TBR list is so long. Lots of cookbooks,crafts,decorating, and cozy mystery. As well as romance books. 

4, Which books did you like the most and which did you dislike most?

Thats a hard question. I try too find something good in everything I read. 

Make sure too check out my book reviews and Sunday Cozy Mystery. Lisa 


  1. I agree...I think you can learn a lot from reading books, even fiction books. Hope you have a great day!

  2. I think I learn about people from books as well as some interesting facts and figures from historical novels.

  3. I agree: books can put you in a different environment. When I was younger I had more time to read. Gave me a good tool for geogaphics too.
    Have a nice week!

  4. Boy, either my comment is waiting to be approved, or I forgot to comment on several blog posts last week. Oops. Otherwise, there'll be two probably totally different comments. ha! A broken in spot to read is the best. I like reading books set in place I've never been. I LOVE reading cookbooks, and am a fan of cozy mysteries. I just went to a book launch last week by a local author who wrote her first cozy mystery. I'm reading it now.


Granny’s Crab meat Au Gratin

  1 lb white crab meat 1/2 lb cheddar cheese /grated 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 C flour 1/4 lb butter 2 Egg yolks 1 rib celery chopped/fine 1...