Monday, February 26, 2024

At Home with Lisa

Happy Monday from South Louisiana.  Can you believe it's the last Monday in February.  That means Spring is around the corner.  

  • 81/62
  • 82/70
  • 77 rain
  • 64 cloudy
  • 72 rain 
Lots of Rain coming this week with warmer temps. 

Weeks list

  • Monday Morning list
  • Blog email and updates
  • working on trunk 
  • Grocery list , pick up 

What going on this morning: 

Its a warm cloudy morning here. Blue and i took our walk and he chased birds and squirells. Now I am inside in sweats drinking coffee and eating toast. And Now working on this blog post before starting chores.

  • Chicken stew and rice
  • Jambalaya 
  • Chili Mack
  • Homemade French bread pizza
  • Boiled Shrimp with potatoes and corn with Friends 
Today is National Pistachio day 

The word Pistachio comes from the Greek word “pistakion” which means green nut. It was widely cultivated in the Persian empire from where it gradually spread around the world. The Assyrians and Greek believed in the medicinal properties of the nut.  Pistachios are also one of the oldest flowering nuts humans have been consuming for over 9000 years. It is also one of the two nuts mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 43:11). 

Check out my post about Fairy gardens on Saturday.  

Community events 
Library read

On Saturday we Celebrate  our annual event :  Read across America  !   with book reading, crafts and treats. 

My Bible Journaling/lent crafts 

1 Samuel and 2 Samuel on my blog.


  1. Hello my Lovely!
    I always love the interesting knowledge you share - like what neat days there are in a each month. A pistachio day - who knew! I love them btw. Lol Love your bible/lent craft. And your menu sounds amazing this week! Yum and yay for Louisiana cuisine. I've been to New Orleans twice and I'm itching to go back.
    Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo

  2. Spring is not here yet but I love your flower picture. Your journal is so nice to look at. Have a great week


ATC Mardi Gras

  Welcome to my ATC cards celebrating Mardi gras ! I am making card with a stencil of a fleur de lis. Made using a marker and oil pastels to...