Tuesday, April 30, 2024



TIE AND DYE FOR BEGINNERS AND KIDS: Insructions to Make Awesome Examples, Gain proficiency with the Insider facts of Paper, Strips, Circles, Twirls, and More, for Both Children and Grow-ups

Tіе-dуе іѕ trending. Wіth juѕt a quісk look at аlmоѕt аnу оnlіnе сlоthіng store, you’ll find tіе-dуе gаrmеntѕ аnd сlоthіng thаt fіll the раgе. But, fоr аrt tеасhеrѕ (аt least thіѕ аrt teacher), tіе-dуе іѕ nоt just a trеnd. Fоr mаnу art tеасhеrѕ, іt’ѕ a process wе оftеn іntrоduсе tо our students. It’s еxсіtіng, fun, аnd a great wау to teach ѕtudеntѕ аbоut wearable аrt. It іѕ a resist dyeing method іn which the areas уоu dо nоt want dуеd аrе blосkеd using different mеthоdѕ of tуіng аnd then thе fаbrіс іѕ dуеd ; thе аrеаѕ thаt аrе tied rеmаіn undyed resulting іn beautiful раttеrnѕ. It is a very ѕіmрlе аnd іnеxреnѕіvе way tо dесоrаtіvе plain clothes wіth bеаutіful аnd іntrісаtе looking раttеrnѕ, with vеrу little effort.

Book Review: Are you ready to have some fun with the kids this Summer? On our Summer bucket list is tie dyeing t shirts for the kids. So I grab this book to get more familiar with the process and learn some new tricks. This is a short read filled with lots of good information for anyone interested in getting into tie dyeing . 

Flower and Garden time


Garden Tuesday ! 

And Today I am sharing some garden tips  for combating pest naturally. One way is with choosing the correct plants to buy. Some of my favorite Herbs can help naturally with pests . Thats why I keep pots  of them outside my door way. 

7 Best Plants For Pest Control

  1. Basil. Basil is a great solution for repelling mosquitoes and flies. …
  2. Lavender. Lavender has been used for centuries to add a sweet smell to homes and clothes drawers. …
  3. Citronella. …
  4. Rosemary & Other Herbs. …
  5. Chrysanthemum. …
  6. Petunias. …
  7. Marigolds

Control Garden Pests with Good Bugs

Ladybugs and their larvae feed on aphids and other soft-bodied pests. Rejoice if you see these red-orange, spotted beetles in your garden.

Spiders may not be what you love to see on your Tower Garden, but they’re valuable allies, eating all kinds of pests. Plus, those that typically inhabit gardens aren’t poisonous.
Tachinid flies, which basically look like houseflies, are natural enemies of caterpillars, beetles and shield bugs.

Kill Garden Pests with Natural, Organic Sprays

Botanical sprays can actually harm good bugs. So consider these as a last resort. If you do use the following sprays, always be sure to:

  • Apply them in the late evening, once the sun is low in the sky. Otherwise, your plants could get cooked. (I made this mistake once. Not pretty.)
  • Spray plants liberally, taking care to wet the undersides of leaves. For these sprays to be effective, they must come into direct contact with pests.

DIY Organic Garden Spray:

  • Chop, grind or liquefy 1 garlic bulb and 1 small onion.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper, 1 quart of water, and mix.
  • Steep 1 hour, then strain through cheesecloth, and add 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap (such as pure castile liquid soap — not dishwashing detergent) to the strained liquid; mix well.

To avoid skin and eye irritation, wear rubber gloves and keep the mixture away from your eyes and nose when preparing and applying it. Refrigerate any remaining spray for up to 1 week in a covered container.

Tuesday 4


Time To Pamper You...

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Let's talk about you personally.

1. Do you pamper yourself at all? If yes, how do you do that?

No not really. 

2.What kinds of foods/dishes do you consider to be a real treat? Do you often pamper yourself by having them?

dessert : sometimes. 

3. What  luxury item/items do you consider would be very hard to do without? (like buying books, having your hair done.. just about anything you really could do without but prefer not to.) Coffee, books , craft supplies 

4. What kind of holiday or vacation would be a total luxury with which you might pamper yourself? I would like to do some traveling. Christmas  at Williamsburg.  

Sunday, April 28, 2024

At Home with Lisa

Mom  rain 76
Tuesday. Rain 80
We'd rain 82
Thurs cleat 84
Friday. Rain 82

Outside : Peace Rose day
Daily chores: 
Clean j room
Garden work / maybe

My Monday: I am up early coffee on, blueberry muffins baking and I am working on my blog. April is almost over and May is coming.  

Menu this week 
Tuesday Taco casserole 
Pork steak and gravy
Baked chicken and vegetables 
Today is Shrimp scampi day ! 

What's going on in town
Our library Book Club read 
Clean up the park. Recycling ♻️ crafts and books. Join us for Circle times.  We celebrate volunteer and park week. 
Sunday bible journal 

Thanks for stopping and check out my blog.  Lisa

County Fair

 County Fair time for some fun and award winning BBQ> also don't miss the pie contest.

 Bingo, carnival fun and a fire department fun raiser. It's all in a day at the fair. 

Murder at the Blueberry Festival


Murder at the Blueberry Festival

It's National Blueberry Pie day

Living in a lighthouse with her dog, Lindsey Bakewell is lulled to sleep at night by the sound of Lake Michigan’s waves—and gets up at the crack of dawn to start the day at her bakery café.  But someone in Beacon Harbor is about to rock the boat with murder . . .
After a career on Wall Street, Lindsey is making a different kind of dough in a pretty lakeside village, and the upcoming blueberry festival—including the pie-eating contest her bakery is hosting—is the highlight of the summer. But soon Beacon Harbor runs into a patch of trouble.
A local real estate agent gets pranked. A parade float gets pelted with water balloons. It’s all laughed off until the stunts start escalating—and looking more like sabotage. As the event turns into a debacle complete with rampaging goats, Lindsey’s sweetheart, a former SEAL, starts investigating. But the juicy mystery takes a bitter turn when a man—dressed up as a Viking—is found dead in a boat, and it’s no longer mischief but murder . . .
Includes Delicious Recipes!

Book Review:

Blueberry Festival time was going on, and someone must've thought it'd be hilarious to play some pranks that weren't really funny except to one individual who laughed louder than anyone at all of the events. Lindsey and her band of amateur sleuths eventually had to find out why a fairly beloved citizen was killed in such a weird way. I don’t want to give away the murderer and why it happened, but I will say I had all the feels in this plot. The author did a thorough job of building up the plot, and I commend her way of handling it.

Bible journal

Ecc 3: 11
The key to life is not in itself. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Diy Pasta flowers

Happy Saturday 
Today the kidz at the library we are using pasta to make flowers.  

Assorted pasta
Sketch our flowers.  And use that too place your pasta.
First :  Paint your selected pasta with paint. Let dry and glue on too your flower sketch to make petals and leaves. Then let dry. 

Diy Paper making

This is an easy version with made with what on hand
Paper scraps
Great fryer screen

You need to gather your paper scraps and tear into small pieces.  Place in bowl and cover with water. Let set a couple of hours.  After soften  blend till smooth. Poor through strainer too take out the water and leave only  pulp. Dry with towels or hair dryer if you need too. After completely drying use for notes, tags or crafts.

Kidz Krewe: vegetable's stamp

Let's stamp with vegetables 
Use firm ripe fruit and vegetable's 
Paper or fabric 
Stamp or fabric paint 

Cut the fruit and vegetable's.  If using fabric dip in fabric paint and stamp. If Paper do the same with stamp pad. Let dry.  If fabric set with hot iron. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Happy Arbor day

It's Friday and we are celebrating Arbor day 
Did you know it all started in Nebraska and President Nixon declared it a holiday.  

Trees of UL Lafayette , Swamp and more
Go out and plant a tree to celebrate!  Check locally for free trees for us La Forresty  service is giving out trees. But you can also request from Arborday.org 

Alien Day

Anybody out there? 

Shoot for the Stars 
In anything you do. With this cute digital stamp and embossing powder used on the moon. 

Fabric tassels

Today's project: Fabric tassels 
From scraps of Fabric, ribbons ,lace and beads. 

Grab an assortment of Fabric scraps and fold in half. Take a piece of embroidery floss and wrap around the top , about I inch down. Wrap around tightly and knot. Then you can cover with tape or leave it showing.  You can add a lobster claw or clip to use own your project.  

Spring Bbq event

Every Spring the volunteer fire department puts on a BBq to raise money for supplies.  Here's a fun page I made from pictures I took at ...