Monday, August 5, 2024

Home this Monday

Happy Monday Aug 5th! 
And we had another Hot week here in Louisiana. We are trying to stay Cool and hydrated in this weather. Here's what going on here at home.....

How I am feeling? Wearing? 
Okay but the heat is making everyone stir crazy. Wearing shorts and tank for the day. 

All week is very hot. Today it's 97 but later this week over 100 degrees.  Heat advisory is out until 7pm each night. 

Outside my window: 
Heat is drying everything out. Blue and I go out early to beat the heat. 

Monday chores 
Regular chores for the week
Carpet Cleaned
Craft room purge: take extra to resale shop

Meal Plan: 
Bbq sandwiches (leftover)
Chicken burrito 
Hamburger helper
Homemade Pizza 
Billed crab/shrimp ( church fundraiser )

Beat the Heat cooking means cooking early in the day. Iron using crockpot or grill outside. 

What going on in town ! 
Library is doing Back to School event. We have our plans in place for after school. 
New resale shop
I am having fun finding items to turn into treasure. 

Prayer : for our teachers,  school and students. 


  1. Hi! We have the wicked weather too. Actually I guess most of the country does. Either excessive heat or flooding. I sure would like some cooler days. But grateful our three fires are finally getting under control. Some rain for the areas of some of the fires. I'm in Colorado so I know the white stuff will be here sooner than I want it to. The world is so weird anymore. I am thankful for the people who see it and are disturbed by it too. Waiting on Jesus. Nothing else will matter once He arrives. In the meantime I hope something good happens to you today. Have a blessed week.

  2. Hi Lisa, I don't like heat at all, you can hardly do anything.
    How nice that you discovered that new store, I like those kinds of stores so much!
    Those jars of "back to school" are so beautiful!
    Have a nice week

    1. It's a great place to find things to upcycel. As well as a few hidden gems.

  3. Happy new week to you Lisa!
    Will try to send you some cool weather. It's 60's here today and it even started raining - cloudy and cool. Definite Fall vibes in the air. I keep seeing all the back to school things around here too. Summer is flying! Stay cool. 🙏🏻💗

    1. Thanks for the cool 😎 breeze. Can't wait for fall.

  4. Yeah, that kind of heat is miserable! I homeschooled my kiddos from 4th-12th (my daughter) and 1st-11th (my son), he graduated a year early. We really enjoyed it.

    1. I did virtual from 5 to 12. We loved it and my sons in college now.

  5. We have had hot and humid weather, too. Our temps aren't as high as yours, though. Here we're at around 90. I do love my a/c :) Have a great week!

  6. Hoping for cooler weather for you soon. I like the Fall craft. Have a great week

    1. Cooler weather in Louisiana is maybe October with lots of rain. But I will take it. Trying to channel Fall


Granny’s Crab meat Au Gratin

  1 lb white crab meat 1/2 lb cheddar cheese /grated 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 C flour 1/4 lb butter 2 Egg yolks 1 rib celery chopped/fine 1...