Monday, August 5, 2024

BTS : Homeschool Tips (Part 1)

 Welcome to my  Home   !  BTS time 

July is done with and we  are already into day 5 of August. And school starts early this year : August 8th Thursday !  

In years past my House has been a school house as well as home as my son attended school here virtual before it was cool or mandated. I wrote more about our journey on my family blog at Lisa Everyday Life   Check out Now and leave a comment or question for next weeks post. 

Are You a Homeschooler  or interested in it ? 

Homeschooling Tips 

Choose the Right Curriculum for Your Family. Finding the right curriculum is always challenging. ..( Do your research) And make sure you check state guidelines.
Have  Goals. ..Goals are an important part of that process. When you have a vision and a plan for where you want to go, you are more likely to achieve those learning outcomes and properly align your day-to-day curriculum. 

Embrace the Change:  Set a school schedule but be flexible. 

Participate in Volunteer Work. ..( we did lots of that ) 

Look for learning opportunities beyond the textbooks:  Join homeschooling groups and area Co-Ops. 

Decorating your Home School Space: 

I was lucky my Hubby had an office in the house that was not in use during the day. So we turned into a school room. But lots of friends used  unused Dining Rooms  for a school room. I liked keeping my school room away from the bedroom but that's just us.  

You can school anywhere ! Make it your personnel school space with color and storage. A great place to find Cool things : Local Dollar Tree or Thrift stores. Lisa 

 Small Spaces

  1. Transform a closet (or kitchen cabinet)
  2. Use rolling carts.
  3. Take advantage of the wall.
  4. Try a portable file folder.
  5. Laminate all the things.
  6. Go vertical with storage, too.
  7. Use a wall mount folding desk.

My Cart  Suggestions: 

Have any Homeschooling tips you would like to share? 


  1. I admire homeschoolers. Two sisters helped watch our kids when my husband and I worked opposite each other. Those homeschooled girls were such a blessing. I hate seeing my grandkids in these public schools. Our youngest girl will homeschool her kids although they only have the one who is 7 months old right now. She was a preschool teacher. The aby is already smart. She works beautifully with him. Prayers for a successful school year for all children. Your school are is very sweet. I love it!

    1. Thanks so much. My son is finishing college in teaching. Good teacher are in demand.


Granny’s Crab meat Au Gratin

  1 lb white crab meat 1/2 lb cheddar cheese /grated 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 C flour 1/4 lb butter 2 Egg yolks 1 rib celery chopped/fine 1...