Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday 4


Monday, January 13, 2025

Winter Musings

 Hello and welcome once again to Toni's Tuesday 4. 

It's cold in these United States.  Everyone seems to be chilly and some have blizzard conditions to contend with.

But I think winter is a time for us, as well as animals, to hibernate and takes things slow and easy.  I think many find themselves a bit more sleepy than usual and maybe we are supposed to take the time to rest... Let's talk it over okay?

1. Do you find yourself a bit more lazy or tired as the nights get longer or does it not seem to do much to you? In general how are you doing this winter?

yes , I do . I find winter hard and try to stay busy. 

2. Do you appreciate the extra hours of dark that allow for more sleep, more leisure, less travel and hurry or not?

No, I like the sunshine. 

3. I know I love a hot drink on a chilly evening and the quiet of the streets outside as people stay inside more on cold nights.  I feel more relaxed in the winter.  How about you?

I am a big hot chocolate lover. 

4. Do you ever gaze out of your window like Miss Kitty in the picture just watching the world go by? How do you find yourself relaxing on a chilly evening?

Drinking hot chocolate, wrapped in blanket and reading with animals. 


  1. We like to use blankets and a warm doggie helps too! Hot chocolate is good too!

  2. Hot chocolates can get so gourmet lately! They are delicious but for me its a no no with the sugar, darn it.


Hearts : Start of Valentine

  It's almost time for Valentine !  Today is January 14th and iam starting my Valentines post. . .. Heart block .This red bo...