Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Cute Critters

Happy Thursday !  today I am using my stash to make cards. 
With  clear stamps , ink, and paper I already had. 

.All good things are wild and free.   

My cute little owl with big glasses is colored in pencil.  Accents of blues and gray scrapbook paper and bow to make this Speculator. 

My Fox card is stamped in black,  with red , grey and brown. With a great quote . And blue dot and check paper.  

1 comment:

  1. Lisa: both cards fit the nocturnal animals theme for FarmQuest #69!! Owls hooting during the night. Wily foxes running through country fields looking for chicken coops, rabbit dens, and anything else for their next meal. A couple of years ago, a young mother fox came into our town of 1,400 and decided she wanted to have her babies under our back porch deck. Not a lot of space but she squeezed in and out of there. We let her stay for awhile and then placed a radio on the back enclosed porch to drive her away. She went next door and stayed under their red shed with her babies for a few days and then was next spotted on 1 block north in an alley at someone's shed. Gradually she kept working and relocating her babies until they got to the north end of town and the kits were old enough to start hunting on their own across farmland. Come back again through March 27. The next theme will start on March 28th. See you soon. -- Becca


Garden cards and notebook

In my part of the world its Spring time and my garden is in full bloom.  And I am in the middle of planning my Summer garden. I do a...