Wednesday, December 11, 2024

DIY Garland Gingerbread Men


DIY gingerbread decoration garland

To make them you need:

  • 1 cup of cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup of apple sauce
  • ~1/2 cup of white craft glue
  • rolling pin
  • cookie cutters
  • festive ribbon


  1. combine the cinnamon and apple sauce until the consistency is sticky enough that it looks kind of like dough
  2. add the glue until the dough feels wet and fairly sticky
  3. let the ball dry for an hour before you do anything else to it
  4. roll out the dough, cut out your shapes and poke two holes roughly where their arms meet their body (I used a straw to do this and sort of wiggled it around to get the holes big enough) and put them on a cookie cooling rack
  5. let them dry our for about eight hours or until they are firm enough that you aren’t afraid they’ll break when you string them
  6. Use your decorative ribbon and string them up somewhere in your home!

, this recipe does not produce edible gingerbread men! 

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