Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Beddy Bye L Tuesday 4


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Beddy Bye

 Hello! Nice to see you back for another Tuesday 4 which was begun by Toni Taddeo and kept up in her memory.    It might be nice to talk about our homes and how we like our rooms to be ordered and used.  What about the bedroom.. a place of comfort and peace.

1. How do you make up your bedroom and bed... colors? blankets? Quilts? Bedspread? Comforter? Throws? Pillow? what goes into making your bed comfy for you?   

Its a King bed lots of plillows, throws and blanket. All nutreals and lots of whites. 

2. What is in your dresser? Is it organized or messy?

Messy. Two vases that where my Moms. 

3. What's in and on your night stand?

Bottle of water, Bible, and basket of things,  

4. Do you read in bed or watch TV before going to sleep?  

Not usually. But sometimes I do read in bed. 


  1. I use a Longerberger basket to help my night table stay a little neater. lol Have a great day!

  2. Hmm.. the basket idea sounds really good! My bedroom is white right now but I am wanting some color. I wish I could read in bed but, its just too uncomfortable for me.

  3. I have a large mug I use for my drops and creams. A basket sound nice too!



Celebrating First Sunday of Lent  Let us pray and reflect on the pass year. And pray for Peace in our world.