Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday $ : Summer


Summer Solstice


Welcome, it's Tuesday 4 time.  I keep it up in memory of my friend Toni Taddeo who really enjoyed her blogs. 

The Summer solstice arrived and some got hot weather and some got chill and rain.  But summer is the time for holidays or vacations, summertime activities and being outdoors more.  It's also a time, like winter, for complaints and we realize that people in Texas, Arizona and Florida stay inside in summer.

1. How is summer treating you so far this year?   Could things improve? How do you make summer fun in your neck of the woods?

Summer is HOT!!! a little cool weather would be a blessing. 

2.We give you magic powers! You can change the climate, the surroundings, even  your house and anything you like. Tell us what you are doing to make your summer or your entire year better..... GO!

Magic! Weather ( Force field to protect from Hurricane) 

3. The puppy on the boat at the right is your new friend.  He wants a name.  What name will you give him and  would you like to be in that picture (if you can't sail we will provide someone for you!) We named our newest dog Blue ! But I think Captain for him... 

4.   It's friendship pot luck day at your house this month.  Everyone is  coming. Please assign us what dishes each of us are to bring to make for a great day.(by the way, you needn't use names. Just name some dishes  you would like people to bring along)

  • fruit salad
  • baked beans 
  • Mac and cheese 
  • Ice Cream cake 
  • Hubby is on the BBQ Grill !!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of people would change the weather. Blue is a cute name. I'l bring homemade mac and cheese and an ice cream cake!


Monday At Home

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