Sunday, July 23, 2023

Monday Homemaker

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/24/2023 }

HAPPY Monday.  And Welcome to my blog. It's been another hot week in South Louisiana.  But we had Rain Saturday but didn't cool off much. Yesterday we attended our Women Club Grandparents tea. Everyone had a wonderful time.  

Weather : Hot this week!! 

94 rain

My outside view: 

My Monday Morning 
Air is already on and Iam drinking coffee and having cinnamon roll for breakfast.  

My Monday Chore list: 
Usual morning chores. 
Make my meal list and grocery list.
Email and blog updates.  Planning Aug post.
Not much going on outside now its so hot. 

Meal list 
White beans ham ,rice
Taco and sides
Chicken stew
Shrimp Creole 

My highlight recipe 

On my bedside table : 
Bible , book, water, 

Curious Histories behind Everyday Household Objects, from Pillows to Forks

Craft room:  
Iam working on back to school items. We have a BTS drive coming up. 

In my Community 
Library is open more for everyone to stay Cool. Movies  Saturday @6pm and 2pm on Sunday.  

Women's club Grandparents tea
Was Sunday afternoon to celebrate Grandparents in town. 

Sunday Church lesson

The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

4Restore our fortunes,LORD, like streams in the Negev.

5Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.

6Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Thanks for stopping bye this Monday ! Have a great weekend... 


  1. It looks like you're gearing up for a lot of fun! What lovely photos. I'm enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks so much. Here we start school the middle of August, so it's just around the corner. Have a great week 😀

  2. I really loved that bible verse a lot! I also really love those back to school crafts! how cute and fun!!! It has been HOT. I feel bad for not wanting to be outdoors, but ohhh its so hot! I hope your week is amazing!!!

    1. Thanks 😊 yes it's hot. Everyone seems to be talking about the weather. And school starts soon here. So we are getting ready.

    2. Thanks so much . BTS is around the corner. So time to get ready. Stay 😎

  3. It's so hot everywhere, isn't it? Stay cool!!! Have a beautiful week!

    1. We are all suffering with the Heat. Can't wait for cooler weather 😎 Stay safe

  4. That lasagna looks delicious! The heat waves even have me ready for fall and summer is my favorite!

  5. Yum for the lasagna. stay cool as much as you can. Have a great week


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