Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday 4


It's time for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.. just four questions each week for you to ponder and share your thoughts, likes and dislikes.  You can visit others and see their opinions and hopefully make some new blogging friends.

Can we talk about mornings? We all have them, right?

1. Do you jump out of bed or hit the deck running as I call it or are you slow to get up to speed in the morning?

I am early up and jump up and go. With lots of coffee. 

2. Do you start the day with coffee or tea?  Or do other things help you wake up like washing your face, etc.?


3. Is the best part of waking up some Folgers in your cup? What brand of coffee or tea lights your fire?

Local bran Community coffee. 

4. In the Netherlands toast with hefty style chocolate sprinkles are a usual breakfast.  Italy also begins the day with rolls or cookies.  Britain and America are eggs, bacon, toast, or cereal.  What about you? What is a typical breakfast for you?

Doing winter oatmeal . But mostly toast and jam , or if I have muffins or begals. 


  1. I can't do a lot of grains and have to have protein. Today I did have a half of a cinnamon bagel after I had an egg. I like a bit of oatmeal in the winter.

  2. I'm with you on breakfast if I eat it. Also coffee. A definite must.

  3. what is winter oatmeal? Or is it just oatmeal you like in the winter? I wish I could be both a morning and a night owll.

  4. I like oatmeal but as a kid I was a big cream of rice fan.


Easy White Chicken Chili

  1   tablespoon   olive oil 3   skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1   large   onion, chopped 2   cloves   garlic, minced 5 ¼   cups ...