Sunday, December 15, 2024

At Home

Monday Happy Homemaker 
It's Monday of the 2 nd week of December. And the holidays is almost here. Do you send Christmas cards anymore? I send a few and get less back. 

 This week we are having a week of up and down weather . 
75 rain
76 rain

What's going on this week : 
Regular weekly cleaning 
Clean out fridge
Grocery shopping for baking needs 
Start holiday baking

My weekly menu
Baked chicken and vegetables 
Meatloaf and potatoes 
Friday : fundraiser bbq 

Check out my holiday candies , craft and cookies recipes. 

In town 
Lights are up around town .
At Library : ugly sweater fun ! 
We are having a ugly sweater party with books, crafts and food. 

3rd Sunday of Advent 


  1. Love seeing all the festive cheer! Blessings to you on this final week of preparations. ❤️šŸ’š

  2. Ik geniet zo van de lichtjes overal, zo gezellig! Wij hebben al een heel stel kaarten gekregen, en zelf heb ik ze ook wel verstuurd...
    Ik wens je een mooie week toe, Lisa!

  3. Lovely pictures! Last year I checked who sent back cards and I cut down on a few but yes I still send Christmas cards especially to elderly aunts - Christmas cheer! Merry Christmas to you and your family


Granny’s Crab meat Au Gratin

  1 lb white crab meat 1/2 lb cheddar cheese /grated 1 can evaporated milk 1/2 C flour 1/4 lb butter 2 Egg yolks 1 rib celery chopped/fine 1...