Recycled Milk Carton Birdhouses :
- Milk Carton
- Scissors or Exacto Knife
- Acrylic Paint
- Stick/Twig
- Small rock or weights
- Creativity
- String
- hot glue gun/glue sticks
Rinse the jug out and let it air dry with the top off of it. Once it is dry, cut out a round 2″ hole in the middle of the container. This is the hole in which the bird will enter the house.
Once the hole is cut, it is time to paint. Put a cover layer of black or white on the whole things so you can paint on top of it without the carton’s designs getting in the way. Let it dry.
Once the hole is cut, it is time to paint. Put a cover layer of black or white on the whole things so you can paint on top of it without the carton’s designs getting in the way. Let it dry.
After it is dry paint it whatever design you might want to do and let it dry again.
Once this is finished drying then you can start to put finishing touches on. The stand that the bird will stand on can be from a wooden dowel or a twig gotten from outside. Cut a small hole directly under the large entryway hole. Poke the twig or stick through and hot glue on both sides of it and let it dry for a few minutes while cutting your string to the desired length.
Once that has dried, in the top corners of the carton, poke one hole on each side. This will be where the strings go through and you can hang the birdhouse up. Put one end of the string through on each side and tie around the hole.this will help it hang evenly instead of a single hole in the center.
Don’t Forget to Reuse
Before throwing something in the trash or even in the recycling bin, first think of ways the item could be reused. Perhaps it would be a good idea to wash out a plastic carrier bag or a zipper closure bag and use it a few more times. Or maybe it would be possible to use those plastic containers from the grocery store in the kids’ lunch boxes. And also try using that piece of aluminum foil again. Anything that can be used just two times essentially cuts the waste of that product in half!
On Global Recycling Day – and every day – get creative with ways to reduce consumption and waste by reusing. And then, of course, once the item has gone through a full life, it’s time to recycle.
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